


、口腔医学の分野における「超拡大ガラス」として、歯科手術と診断に特別に使用される精密機器です。 It presents the subtle structures in the oral cavity clearly to doctors through a series of complex and exquisite constructions, providing the possibility for precise treatment.


顕微鏡、カメラのレンズのように、画像の倍率と明確さを決定します。の拡大is usually adjustable between 4-40 times, and doctors can easily switch the magnification according to the needs of the surgery, just like adjusting the camera focal length. Low magnification (4-8 times) is suitable for observing a large surgical field of view, such as viewing the overall condition of the surgical area during oral surgery;中程度の倍率(8〜14回)は、根管治療、歯周手術などのほとんどの従来の歯科手術のニーズを満たしています。 High magnification (14-40 times) allows doctors to see extremely subtle structures, such as root canal branches and dentinal tubules inside teeth, providing strong support for fine operations.




の作業原則a光学イメージングの基本原則に基づいています。 Simply put, it magnifies small objects in the oral cavity through a combination of objective and eyepiece lenses. Light is emitted from the lighting system to illuminate the surgical area. The reflected light from the object is first magnified by the objective lens, then further magnified by the eyepiece, and finally forms a clear magnified image in the doctor's eyes or on the imaging device. This is like using a magnifying glass to observe objects, but the magnification effect of a口腔手術顕微鏡

デジタル化、インテリジェンス、および小型化技術の継続的な開発により、歯科医療顕微鏡機能とパフォーマンスのより大きな飛躍を達成します。 We look forward to the widespread adoption of this technology, not only in large hospitals, but also in more primary healthcare institutions and dental clinics, benefiting more patients.同時に、彼らの研究開発投資を増やし、技術レベルを改善し、より良い製造をすることができます、共同で宣伝します

